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Is It At All Possible To Download Viber On My Laptop?

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piggynose | 11:15 Mon 01st Jul 2013 | Computers
7 Answers
i've heard so much about being better than skype for ecxample, but it seems its only designed for phones.


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Yes it is possible.
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thanx chrisgel.
its downloaded. Now then how do i use it?
I'm not familiar with this program or even Skype.
When you say you have downloaded it have you run the program i.e. is it installed and have you got an icon for it on your desktop?
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sorry for the delay.
yes i've installed it and have got the viber icon on my screen
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thanx, i'll give a go later
Question Author
thanx, i'll give it a go later.

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Is It At All Possible To Download Viber On My Laptop?

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