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Help With Opening File Attachments Please,

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Ann | 21:55 Sun 12th Jan 2014 | Computers
8 Answers
Hi - hope someone can help me please. We have a vacancy advertised on the net and some replies/CVs are coming in with docx attachments which I can't open. I have tried right clicking but nothing will open them. Do I have to install a different programme or can anyone suggest an easy way to view them please.
I use Outlook Express 6 for emails, Firefox 26.0 latest version, and Microsoft Office Word 2003.


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Look at the file type eg PDF etc. Try to open the attachment and scroll through options ie open using?
You need to download the compatibility pack that will let Word 2003 open docx documents (created in Word 2007/2010/2013).

More info here :
I think you can get free converters but you could try first right clicking on the attachment, choose 'save as' and save it with just doc on the end (drop the x) then you might be able to open it from your documents. It's happening because your version of Word is older than that used to write them by your applicants.
Docx are Word 2007 format onwards, Open Office should be able to cope.
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Gosh thanks a million sunny-dave, it worked! that is just brilliant - you clever clogs! This site is brilliant for getting help :) xx
Your computer and software is about to become obsolete with the end of support for XP getting very near. You should have been considering a replacement to Windows 7. Outlook Express and Microsoft Office 2003 are no longer supported by Microsoft.
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