It's one of those dreaded things which were originally called 'notebooks' but which now seem to have got themselves included within the generic term 'laptops'. As you suggest, it's a pain-in-the-backside to remove the battery, which is likely to cause you a few problems. (I've never had a genuine laptop, or an old-fashioned netbook, which didn't require me to remove the battery from time to time. Sometimes it's the only way to force a full reboot).
Further, it's only got got a 32GB 'hard drive' (which is actually a solid state device). The internet is littered with vast numbers of posts (including here on AB) from people who've found that Windows 10 won't update on such machines because there's insufficient memory left. Whatever else you do with it, ensure that you tell it that you're using a metered internet connection (where you pay per megabyte), even though you almost certainly haven't. That will restrict Windows to downloading only the most important updates, hopefully preventing you from running out of storage space:
In the short term though, ensure that you've disabled any automatic 'sleep' or 'hibernate' functions and leave the machine switched on until the battery goes flat. Then connect up the power and see if there's any improvement.
And/or . . . if you can actually get the thing working, try running System Restore to take the registry back a few days.