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Why Am I Stuck In Landscape?

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poisondwarf | 14:48 Thu 16th Sep 2021 | Computers
6 Answers
Good afternoon all,
I am using Windows 10 on my laptop. When I opened it, all my Word documents are in Landscape. I checked about 50 documents and the orientation is definitely set to Portrait.
Please would someone like to make an old man very happy by telling me how to get out of this one?
Many thanks in anticipation!


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is anything else on its side, or just word docs? And is the writing the correct way?
Which office are you using. Microsoft or open office?
more info needed, You say "Windows 10" but that's not word, do you mean they appear landscape when you open them in Word or are you looking in some other way, eg thumbnails in Explorer. It would help if you take a screen shot and post under tinypic.
Is there anyone out there who can tell me Why Am I Stuck In Landscape as i am stuck and want to know how this can be done and will like to explore a bit more of it. We hope that can be what we all will like to know about at this time.

Your landscape predicament reminds me of when I tried fixing my laptop settings while running a landscaping business from home (long story). Somehow, every PowerPoint I made turned into a chaotic mess of landscape slides, and I couldn’t figure it out for days. It turned out my default printer setting was stuck on landscape—might be worth checking that on your end! Also, speaking of landscape (in the literal sense), I found myself browsing a local landscaping company the other day, . If I had known how much they could do for our backyard, I wouldn’t have wasted hours trying to do it myself.

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