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Video Capture

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ContraryMary | 19:40 Mon 12th Feb 2007 | Computers
4 Answers
Can any of you computer wizards (which I am not!) help me. I have been trying to caputure video film from my DV camcorder. I have tried Microsoft Moviemaker, and a trial version of Adobe Premier Elements 3.0, but neither works. Sometimes it will capture about half a minute of footage and then freeze up. The next time I try everything takes ages to open up, then it still doesn't work. I have Nero which burns discs fine, but when I tried to capture through this, it told me that 'the programme is already running' whatever that means. So can any of you wizkids help me?


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What capture device are you using (Firewire?) and what is the spec. of your PC (Ram, processor speed etc) ?
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Hi to puzzlesRus

I am using Firewire, and the computer spec is:
Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80 GHz - 2.79 GHz 0.99GB of RAm. Is that enough info?
You should not experience problems with that specification. I personally use premier 6 to capture/edit video footage from my camcorder, without problem and my spec is not as good as yours.

Have you tried watching the video in Nero vision express. If it plays satisfactorily in Nero, then you should have no problem recording from there to your hard drive.

If you still experience problems, suggest you try reinstalling the drivers, using the hardware wizard and pointing it to your INF folder and selecting 1394.inf
I should add, please make sure your firewire lead is connected securely and that the camera is set to play mode prior to using the hardware wizard

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