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pc or mac?

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vinrex7 | 00:29 Fri 16th Feb 2007 | Computers
53 Answers
Whats the difference? which is better?


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some people have waaaayyyyyy too much time on their hands, it was too much to read let alone type!

The TiBook owes almost 80% of its' hardware to the PC, which it was designed for first. (on a side note: Of course, why, I ask you, with all of that cheap PC hardware in it, does it still cost so much, even more than it did when it was all SCSI and Apple-specific and stuff? Someone answer me please..)

No viruses? OSX/Leap

Vista is faster on a Mac than OS X. and before you think of saying its a intel based os Steve Jobs said OS X was simultaneously developed for X86 processors right from the start. Yes im sorry to let you mac fanboys know that i do believe that Steve Jobs woke up one morning and said "OH CRAP our Power Pc processors blow, so do our video cards.. Lets just make PC Notebooks that look pretty, but run OS X then surprise everyone by saying you can run both Windows and OS X on the same machine, when really we just sold you a PC and engineered a much more expensive version of Virtual PC, Mac guys just cant stomach the fact that Vista might actually be good.
OSX/Leap was a non-issue. First, it required iChat. This got fixed a long time ago. Second, it required the user to accept the file, and third, it required an admin password to do anything bad.

I'm sure the TiBook (very old, btw), owes 100% of its hardware to the PC. It _is_ a PC. Price up an iMac against a comparable Windows-based PC, and you'll find the prices about the same.

Yes I agree Vista is faster. But Mac OS X is perfectly fast enough for me, and I can't stand slow systems.

Windows PC: can buy all sorts of different kit from different places, and the greater range of processors etc. means that you can get a cheaper computer. Runs Windows with all sorts of security holes so you need anti-virus. Far more popular so easier to buy software for it, and easier to get support from friends. Tends to still look like something you'd want upstairs out of the way, and not in the limelight anywhere. Due to increase in software, it's easier to find free little pieces of software that you want from a google search.

Apple Mac: made to Apple's specifications, and they want more powerful computers. So they're more expensive than the cheaper windows-based machines, simply because they're higher-end machines. Runs Mac OS X that is technically superior to Windows. Less people have them, so less software available for it. However, still plenty available that will let you get done whatever you want to do, with the exception of the games industry and some specific software like certain accounting packages etc. Better interface, easier to use. Better design. Because everything is integrated by Apple you get a better all-round experience, so people often say that things 'just work' on it. Example: wireless cards. On windows if you buy a wireless dongle for your laptop or use the built-in one, the interface can be different to the one that your friend has on his Windows machine. Etc. On a mac, which has had built-in wireless since about 2001, the interface is always the same. Everywhere. Far simpler.

Case in point: lots and lots of professional admins used to use GNU/Linux on their laptops to get stuff done, because from a technical standpoint they were more stable and 'better' than windows. Once Mac OS X came to force, many swapped over. You always hear stories about people going from Windows to Mac. But never the other way round. I wonder why?
i have met numerous mac owners who have this weird smug attitude towards people who they feel haven't yet 'seen the light' and come over to the mac side, as though you are some kind of idiot for wasting your time with pcs - as has been said its kind of naive and a bit like some brainwashed cult member.

i haven't had much time with macs but what i did have, i wasn't terribly enamoured.

they were slow and awkward, and impossible to fix up. there are few options to clean up your system, such as scandisk etc unless you are very knowledgable about macs.

pc's are better.
joko: that's because it does a lot of the lower-level system functions such as that automatically. scandisk is a largely pointless thing to do anyway, unless you have any real disk errors. It seems to be seen as a fix-all by some.

Neither one is better. One is better for some stuff, the other is better for other stuff. They both have their advantages and disadvantages.
I will always stick to my PC!! not just because it will out perform a mac, but I just love the thought of all the things I can change, upgrade, add on etc, when a new faster processor comes out or I require more RAM (not likely) I can just replace the old ones or add on, that is all part of the magic of a PC, buy that's just my opinion!! I wont even use a laptop for the same reasons, just way to restrictive!!
You probably dont hear of people going from mac to pc because it is more "normal"
Like 4 like macs are more expensive. i Take your point that they start at say �700 were as the pc may start at �300 but the choice to be able to do so for doing a few emails etc is not a bad thing?
Pc's can be as pretty as the parts you buy it can look like a sleek hifi componet or a cheap beige box
The various Mac os's over the years have had strange behaviour just like im am sure windows has.
I cant get too excited about your intergrated wireless example when compared to having choice of Intel/ Amd Nvidia/ Amd. Ok the interface is still the same, great! so is your graphic adapter.
I am in the process of upgrading to a new Core 2 and due to the choice of parts its quite tricky to choose which mobo etc. However i quite enjoy that challenge. I cant help but think the competition is healthy. And i am gratefull that i can just expect that Vista will run any mixture of components i choose. Although a 680i board looks likely so i may change my tune :)
Wow, there is a lot of rubbish in this thread. The questioner should go to a PC shop and then an Apple shop, and buy the computer which does the jobs they want to do best.
ooohhhh yeeaaaah, what a good idea
Or you could always listen to prats like The Mack, and then do the opposite.
wrong gromit it is you who is the prat. The question was what is the difference? which is better?
People have given reasons why and why not based on experience or preference. fo3nix always puts up a good fight in favour of Apple and rojash intelligently comments
your contribution was go to a shop.
Well done. Thanks for that
A personal computer can do thousands of different jobs. A PC will be better at some and a Mac will be better at others. My advice was to try them out and buy the one that works the best for you on the thngs you want it to do.

I read the PC vs Apple thread (yet again) and it is very boring and unhelpful.

When you are choosing to buy a car, do you not take test drives before deciding which one works best for you?

I did laugh at the first post from vehelpfulguy which seemed to imply that Microsoft wasn't a proprietory platform. At least I laughed more than I do at those sh1te Apple Mac and PC Guy ads.
i was pointing out that the reasons Apple give you to go Mac are not real reasons.

boring your probably right

reasons to buy Pc
Faster, cheaper, reliable, more software, more hardware, more support, more choice, more shops,

They come in a range of colours and can run windows as well

The Mack

I used both platforms and can see benefits with both.

Your reasons to buy a PC above is about 50% wrong and
Your reasons to buy a Mac is 100% wrong. (The iMac comes in a range of... white)
For what it's worth, I agree with gromit. Test out both if you can. The only minor problem with this is that you don't fully appreciate the usefulness of some of the things that Mac OS X does until you've used it for a month, at least. For a Windows convert, anyway.
assuming you think Apples are faster and PC unreliable. the 97% market share provides the rest

they can run windows that makes 50%

i have considered this a bit a more and Mac's may well be better for newbies. one button, big icons smaller choice allround (makes for easier decisions) if you lose interest in it after a while it will make a good piece of furniture.
however due to market share its unlikely that you will have that friend or neighbour that can help when needed. however i am quite confident in fo3nix's skills, knowledge and comitment to helping people so that may not be necessary (as long as he and this forum is around)

I think its the Apple attitude (and some of the owners) that makes me want to fight the Windows corner. Have you ever seen the Microsoft site giving reasons why you shouldnt buy a Mac?
When Apple changed to the Intel chips, the geeks instantly got the hardware to boot XP, soon, third party developers were doing the same. Apple responded by releasing some public beta software called bootcamp. It was not a required function of the new archeitecture. It was a consequence rather than an objective. It is envisaged that bootcamp will be in the next release of OS X (10.5).

You guessed right, from my own experience I do think Apple hardware is more reliable. When Bootcamp is finished and bundled with OS X, I can run one computer instead of two, and will probably get a MacPro. o-is-crowned-the-fastest-pc-in-the-uk.html

Seen one, it is very fast.
In my dreams, unfortunately. Will settle for an iMac.
Nice! bet you cant wait until they use the 5300 series.
hard to justify unless either very rich or no kids/ wife/ car etc
hmmm come to think of it she is p1ss1ng me off :)

on a slightly different note i was looking a an old CVG mag from 1985 and they were talking about a 10 million pound Cray X-MP i did some googling on it and found it to be equal of a old xbox. just shows you how thing move on im sure the mac pro/ pc will be subject to the same ageing process

i can run os x on my pc right now (as i understand it) have not tried it yet
when i sort out my new mobo, core 2 and i go for fresh install i may try then. i have two harddrives so i can dual boot the two. Which OS gets the raid 0 raptors though?
leopard is out when?

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