Quizzes & Puzzles63 mins ago
opening photos
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.
The roast lamb, brocolli cheese, roast and mashed taters, peas and carrots and gravy and mint sauce was absolutely delicious, but boy was I frazzled; I used the big oven so kitchen was sweltering, was hardly any room to put anything anywhere and the damn cat was getting under my feet, hija had had a few farewell drinks so nearly landed face first in her plate, so I sent her to bed before Mr N exploded. All is washed up by hand and put away, counter tops all bleached and wiped down and floor swept and mopped, now in bed clean and waiting for 1hr of Corrie!!
I need to get another life!!!
I need to get another life!!!
Hi All. thought I was going to have a lazy day but didn't really. Had 2 unexpected visitors so was kept going mashing tea and coffee and catching up on everything.
So here I am now. Yes Robi didn't it rain. I nipped to Sainsburys about 11.00 when it decided to pour down and I got wet through.
The repair men have been next door and they say there are no holes in here roof where anything could get in so it looks like it's somewhere in mine. So I'm back where I started and would you believe I haven't heard the b****y thing at all since last week. Mind you that could be because I'm not sitting on the loo between 3 and 4 in the night like I was then and kept hearing it scuttling about!! So heaven knows if it is still there.
Robi those marigolds are rife in my front garden. I have a laburnum which I planted years ago and all round that I have marigolds every year. I love 'em.
Off now to wash more pots.....laters 'gaters
So here I am now. Yes Robi didn't it rain. I nipped to Sainsburys about 11.00 when it decided to pour down and I got wet through.
The repair men have been next door and they say there are no holes in here roof where anything could get in so it looks like it's somewhere in mine. So I'm back where I started and would you believe I haven't heard the b****y thing at all since last week. Mind you that could be because I'm not sitting on the loo between 3 and 4 in the night like I was then and kept hearing it scuttling about!! So heaven knows if it is still there.
Robi those marigolds are rife in my front garden. I have a laburnum which I planted years ago and all round that I have marigolds every year. I love 'em.
Off now to wash more pots.....laters 'gaters
Morning all... whispers bright and sunny so far
Had a pretty lousy night, I'll be glad when the full moon's been and gone, I might feel better. I looked in in the small hours and was amused to see I've got best answer already, hahaha. Is that accidental jno or are we having a new best answer every day?
Had a pretty lousy night, I'll be glad when the full moon's been and gone, I might feel better. I looked in in the small hours and was amused to see I've got best answer already, hahaha. Is that accidental jno or are we having a new best answer every day?
Well thank you, you've rounded me up to a neat half century jno (I demand a recount, I've been here for 10 years!... tut) I'll see what happens when I'm toppled.
What day is it? I'm in a proper fog. I did set the alarm to stop me from sleeping in, it's been getting later and later this past week and that doesn't do me any good.
hmmm, computer says Thursday
What day is it? I'm in a proper fog. I did set the alarm to stop me from sleeping in, it's been getting later and later this past week and that doesn't do me any good.
hmmm, computer says Thursday
Good morning all. I was late up this morning Robi too. So sleepy. Couldn't believe I didn't wake up til 7.30 very unusual. Anyway have caught up. Washing out, ironing done from the last lot. I'm very slow when it comes to the ironing. I can't see the point of getting everything ready when there's only a few items to iron.
School this afternoon. Didn't go last weekbecause of you know what.
I hope you are all ok and you do feel better Robi. Tell me what to expect over the full moon and what it's supposed to do to us. I've no idea. Is it something to do with what our star sign is.
The sun is now shining so Ifeel a bit more cheerful today.
See yer later 'gater(s)
School this afternoon. Didn't go last weekbecause of you know what.
I hope you are all ok and you do feel better Robi. Tell me what to expect over the full moon and what it's supposed to do to us. I've no idea. Is it something to do with what our star sign is.
The sun is now shining so Ifeel a bit more cheerful today.
See yer later 'gater(s)
Hello all
It says at the top "managing your memory "..the last thread was "do you want a younger looking face " ..I think AB is trying to tell me something .
Hope you're all Ok .
No let up yesterday .Bro came to collect his internet coat ,too small ,so had to sort that out ,send it back ,reorder ....tut,then we went to Asda where I took the opportunity to stock up on bulk stuff .By the time I got home I was on me knees .Then I had to put it all away. I just have to find a home for 32 loo rolls :)
It's a lovely day though ,bright and breezy
I've just washed all the front door down and cleaned the porch walls and bunged some washing out as it looks like yuk again for the next few days.
Ten years Robinia ? You should get a telegram from the Ed.
It says at the top "managing your memory "..the last thread was "do you want a younger looking face " ..I think AB is trying to tell me something .
Hope you're all Ok .
No let up yesterday .Bro came to collect his internet coat ,too small ,so had to sort that out ,send it back ,reorder ....tut,then we went to Asda where I took the opportunity to stock up on bulk stuff .By the time I got home I was on me knees .Then I had to put it all away. I just have to find a home for 32 loo rolls :)
It's a lovely day though ,bright and breezy
I've just washed all the front door down and cleaned the porch walls and bunged some washing out as it looks like yuk again for the next few days.
Ten years Robinia ? You should get a telegram from the Ed.
Well I was feeling better for being outside in the sun but I got rained off which wasn't supposed to happen... bloody weather.
I'm good with ironing & try to keep up, I'll occasionally grab something off the 'to do' pile but I like to see things neat if I'm putting them away...because I'm worth it, haha.
Lol shaney, who said there aren't any mountains in Norfolk?
http:// static. guim.co .uk/sys -images /Guardi an/Abou t/Gener al/2011 /10/13/ 1318524 853089/ Loo-rol l-piled -up-in- a-py-00 7.jpg
Effects of a full moon Jude? Well there's this for a start
http:// tiny.cc /s6p34w
:) ....it makes me very edgy/panicky/tearful sometimes. It's not that I see it first and then feel that way, it's always the other way round. Many dispute it but some scientists are now realising there is a link. Just need them to believe astrology and we can get the world sorted...starting with the right MP's :)
I'm good with ironing & try to keep up, I'll occasionally grab something off the 'to do' pile but I like to see things neat if I'm putting them away...because I'm worth it, haha.
Lol shaney, who said there aren't any mountains in Norfolk?
Effects of a full moon Jude? Well there's this for a start
:) ....it makes me very edgy/panicky/tearful sometimes. It's not that I see it first and then feel that way, it's always the other way round. Many dispute it but some scientists are now realising there is a link. Just need them to believe astrology and we can get the world sorted...starting with the right MP's :)
I have been out to an exhibition of unusual maps by MacDonald Gill, brother of the more infamous Eric
http:// ecx.ima ges-ama zon.com /images /I/71S2 xtlNarL ._SL136 9_.jpg
and I whipped up some cement to fill a large hole in the paving by our French windows which could have been letting vermin in (in fact there has been the odd late-night scrabbling noise, now I think about it). And I am now going to Tesco's. I think that's about it for the day.
and I whipped up some cement to fill a large hole in the paving by our French windows which could have been letting vermin in (in fact there has been the odd late-night scrabbling noise, now I think about it). And I am now going to Tesco's. I think that's about it for the day.