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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
2161 Answers
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
Morning/afternoon all...I don't want to talk about the weather.

♫....Monday is washing day, is everybody 'appeee.?...♫

Hello all
The lights keep flickering and it's grim out there ....bah .
If we get a power cut I'll have a nervous breakdown .
oooh it's wild!

I was going to save this until tomorrow but I'll do it now just in case we all get blown away/cut off/blotto's a little message to you all from the man of the year, with love xx :)
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oh, sweeeeet!
I used to do the washing on a Friday but seem to have changed it. Have wrapped all the pressies fopr the stockings, and made cornish pasties for tonight, I do not like them but hey ho, got everything dry with help from dryer. Hoovered all through, small house so doesn't take long, but lots of nooks and crannies (or crooks and grannies). Just sitting down and having a cuppa.
I think the end is nigh for moi, this morning when I made myself a cuppa, I put the kettle in the fridge!!
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goodness, it must be hot out in the Med.

V blustery here but apparently it's only about 35mph so I can stop complaining, no oaks blown down yet.
Oh Robi that is so lovely.
Its blowing horribly here but the dogs are quite calm which is good. We went out for a drive and look at the sea but had to come home again as the car was rocking too much to stay.
Stay safe all
Yes, he's so sweet we could eat the time he's a teenager we might wish we had :)
That's really lovely Robinia .What a dear little soul. I love his little outfit .
Send him a dribbly kiss from me and a cuddle :)
I will shaney...I'm not averse to a fancy dress party but I didn't used to like all this dressing babies as characters. Now though there are teddies and tigers everywhere and almost everything has ears on it, lol....even adult stuff. I guess I'll have to go with the flow. I'm looking for a liberty bodice with a bunny tail ;o)
Have just managed to open the piccy Robinia, he is so adorable, what a cute face, just want to cuddle him.
I still haven't worn my zebra onesie, it looks a tad uncomfortable, with a huge padded face and a tail and a spiny thing all down the back! Why did I buy it, can't remember!
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it's just what people wear in Ibiza, isn't it?
Naked as nature intended, yep! (Who's Paul Smith??)
ooo's Paul Smith?! he's a bloke 'oo meks posh togs from up the road in Notting'am, that's 'oo.
Oh, one is not a snob, ones wears Primark with one's head held high!
Mr N enjoyed his pasties, he had mash and baked beans with them. I had salmon and prawn salad (thanks to Lidl !)

Doesn't feel very christmassy here, mind you it never does. Am thinking we'll have a biddy christmas at shaney's. Shaney can cook the dinner as she's probably the best. Woofy can do the drinks, jude can hop about singing carols, Robi can knit socks in the corner and jno and I will lounge sipping cocktails cos I reckon that's about all we are good for!! I'll clean and washup!
Lol...I suppose you'll be wanting a menu then Neti .
I'll see what I can rustle you up :)
It's awful here ,blowing a bloomin' gale ,raining ,everythings rattling again and there's nothing on teevee ..Grrrrr.
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here's a thing: get Google to search for anagram and it asks "Did you mean nag a ram?"

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