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jno | 01:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
2161 Answers
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
22:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
No you're not dreaming .
Good afternoon, been busy, we have cleared the bedroom and layed dustsheets (rather nice bedspreads) over the carpet, my god the dust balls under the bed and chest of drawers, absolutely disgusting!! Mr N is now painting the room white (having been a sandyish acolour washed) and then the pinks, but must admit it is looking rather nice white!

Had to pop into village to pick up some ordered English sausages and of course to have a coffee.
Morning All. Jno I've no idea what your last post meant. But in the hopes of getting a best answer again sometime I think you are a very clever lovely lady :-)

Hope you are all feeling ok and well. I've been knitting this morning trying to finish my second pair of socks.
Then this afto I'm off to school again. It keeps everyday life in perspective for me and hopefully helps the children to get used to reading. It's amazing really. I know they get phonetic sessions etc to help them with their reading and all I do is listen and help them with the sounding and blending but since the beginning of this term I have noticed improvement in some of the pupils which is brilliant. They are 5 and 6 year olds and they are reading some words I couldn't read or know the meaning of until I was in the Juniors.
Love the gnome Neti! I think I'll have to have a look for a different piccie when I get time.
Anyway that's enough of that . Have to go and tidy myself up and get going now. Laters 'gaters

It never rains but......the meds i gave the dogs over the weekend to deal with their stress have given them the galloppers, poor souls. Happily I keep beef flavoured doggy meds to hand so can deal with it, don't think we'll be going far today though.

Did you need to know this?????
morning all...sorry, afternoon. What a day, virtually none stop rain up to now. Puddles like lakes everywhere, the road drainage is crip around here.
Meds? ha! I needed 'em all this morning, imodium, stemetil, pain relief, rescue, thankfully I'm not ill, I had a dentist appointment, haha. I'd worked myself into a state about it because it was my first one with a new dentist (same surgery) and I didn't know what to expect, better the devil you know and all that. Well, she was great....soooo much gentler than the young guy I had. She did a thorough clean and it wasn't painful at all, it aches a bit on my tender side but hopefully it will settle.
Jude, the men have gone and it's all women now, both excellent apparently.

Hope you and your animal friends are ok ....and dry!

hrrmppphhh...guess my offering of a babycham four pack isn't going to cut it now, tut
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Jude, when you go to "my profile" and click on the Answers tab, it shows you al the questions you've answered. It used not to show biddy threads, because they'd been started ages ago. But it shows the latest one now, near the top.
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here's a lovely toy, I wonder if they have them in the Balearics yet?

So realistic!

ha very funny jno!! Actually I would like one of those to see if I could stand to see it run across the floor.

I have given up trying to appease jno. Best answer B'ah!!
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I am definitely one of the more demanding overlords, neti. I'm not demanding human sacrifice, at least not yet, but...
Salt water powered spider? Hmmm, let's see how well it does on babycham...

Lol about the spiders posts! I've just had a contre-temp (spg!) to do with spiders on FB. Someone I know kills them outright and I don't cos I said they eat all the little nasties in my house that I don't like. A bit of a paradoxical statement there innit?!
UC in a bit and A Question of Sport is back so that takes care of one hour tonight!.
Hope you feel a lot better now robi. I've not got to go again for about another 3 months. Could be interesting if there's only women there now. I've only ever had one appointment with a dentistess once in my life!
Have a good night all. See you tomorrow after Tai Chi and Ladies what lunch.
P.S. Thanks Jno for the explanation re:-Questions on my profile.
ha ha love that spider, I would have loved to get it for DH, he hated spiders but would never hurt one, i was the chief spider remover, I got him a clockwork robot one once and one that whirred up and down a cord.
Hotel chocolat's Autumn collection is pretty blooming good, I was saving it for christmas but feel that I earned them.
My chocolate order's arrived too...I'm going to reeealy enjoy biting all the heads off....

mwahaha...who needs best answer?
wonderful Robi!
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ah yes, the autumn collection is in a bag in the spare room awaiting presentation on OH's birthday later in the week. Looked really nice in the shop. (Or hotel.)
jno you have more self control than I.
hahaha human sacrifice will be easier to come by then sacrificing virgins on this thread jno!!

Am enscounced in hija's room, very bad signal here, but am managing to watch Doc Martin, he's so sweet.
What a surprise!!!!! I've got best answer!!!
We went out this morning in the pouring blow. Dogs kind of happy but didn't want to stay out long. Snooze now, laters all
Morning all. Had a lovely night's sleep in hija's room, could get used to this. Apparently poor Mr N was up and down all night with Mousey, who eventually ended up sleeping on my legs.

Hope you are all Ok and the weather is clement, although I have seen your forecast and seems rather rainy. Sunny here still, but I have decided to empty the pool as it is rather dirty by now.

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