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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
2161 Answers
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
A Happy New Year to all you lovely Biddies!! Keep soldiering on - we are made of stern stuff!! xxx
indeed we are Lottie. Indeed we are.
Happy New Year to all my lovely friends. May 2014 bring you peace and all you wish for xx

Wishing you all and your loved ones the best of health and happiness for 2014. Happy New Year .
Shaney xx
Have had a wonderfuL night, am slighty wobbly, danced the night away"!

Happy New YEAR!
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have sat at home avoiding the rain, but happy new year anyway!
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gah, cramp in both feet, what an ominous start to the year. Not the sudden knotted-muslce type cramp I sometimes get in my calves, more a painful feeling that my toes have twisted themselves on top of each other and left my soles hurting.
ouch ouch ouch! I wonder if its weather related? I have had to start on the calmagzinc tablets again because I have had the knotty insteps
Good morning all. Am staying in bed today.
Good morning all...white rabbits and a very Happy New Year!
Noisy night, as expected, and not much sleep but I won't start new year's day with complaints....I'll wait until after dinner :)
Good Morning All and a wet start (but not for long hopefully) to a Happy New Year to you all. At midnight I was in bed with the curtains open, lights off and the TV on. I had fireworks on the TV from London and out of the window all along the skyline above the bungalows opposite. Lovely, cuddly and warm! Had a good sleep and am now getting ready to go to see the Rams hopefully win against Wigan.
I was going to meet the family as usual down the Castle but I think that may just be off :(
Have to get some lunch now, to tide/tied/tie? :) me over while I'm at the match.
Have a good day everyone. Laters 'gaters!
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could be weatherish, woofy, I noticed both feet felt cold despite my wearing two pears of thermal socks all day and the weather itself not actually being all that cold.

Perhaps I am getting my own little microclimate and weather system. I could get Michael Fish to do reports.
Good morning all. Evil wet windy night here followed by an evil wet windy day. Dogs not bovvered and it certainly drenched the firework fools ho ho ho.
Hello all
Happy New Year .I wish the weather was a bit happier though .Raining and blowing a gale here . There were a few shooty bang fireworks here last night but nothing to write home about.I watched the London display on the news .Very spectacular . Hope you're all ok .I have a slight headache .
Hello, I am still in bed, will get up in a minute to make some tomato ssoup and crumpets. Seems sunny outside, but chilly, and I don't believe Accu as its 17º !!!!

Mr N is cuddled up on settee with Mousey laying on his tummy!

Oh Sound of Music is on, I like that!
No fireworks here, as the new mayor is saving money! I would love fireworks.
Yes, finally a decent film :)....if I find Harry Potter on my tele one more time I'll self combust.
Anyone on diet yet? Feel free to send surplus calories to Stik Towers

odl lay hee hee
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finally woke at lunchtime and had breakfast... this is obviously going to be shorter than most years, I have already misplaced 12 hours of it. Orrible out there again so I shall stay inside
Started to take the decs down..usually I am sad but this year I will be glad to see the back of them. Very odd.
Know what you mean woofy, it hasn't felt like xmas and yet I don't feel disappointed. I didn't bother with a tree after all, just an indoor wreath, little strings of lights around tinsel/garland/twiddly sticks and fairy is on the top of a money plant...ha, I live in hope :)

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