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telboy1938 | 17:31 Mon 28th May 2007 | Computers
9 Answers
How I determine which laptop to buy in order to obtain the quickest speed of operation please?


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What exactly do you mean?

What will you be using the laptop for?
Question Author
I will use for social pleasure, surfing the net and down-loading etc. Is it the ram that determines the speed ? i.e. is 1mg faster than 526 etc?
If you are using it for the internet - it's the speed of your internet connection that matters, not your laptop.

Look for 1gb ram as a minimum these days.
Question Author
OK that is that point explained...Now can you tell me what determines the speed that your pc or laptop produces your saved files and other programmes already on your hard-drive. I still presume having 1 Mb ram is better than 526 etc..or am completely wrong?
Yes - the more RAM the better, but for your needs 1gb RAM is plenty.

High tec gamers and video editors may need more.

The processor is also important these days for speed.
Question Author
As your knowledge is obviously well founded my last question is what processor value would you recommend please....Many thanks
I am also about to buy a new laptop. Processer wise I was told to try to get a laptop with the new core 2d dual processer.
the simple answer is your question is meaningless.

a pc is a tool and a fast video editor won't necessarily make a fast gaming machine.
and laptops are even more likely to be "middle of the road"
for performance in most areas

best advice I could give is buy a couple of computer mags ... see what they say.

visit pc world etc etc and play with a few ...
see how they feel
talk to the staff
(you wouldn't buy a car without a test drive)
look round for a good price .....

the market is so cut throat these days that amongst the mainstream sellers ... there isn't much difference.
(I can't believe I said that!)

once you choose a brand
generally speaking (and this is one hell of a generalisation - but for a laptop)
money = speed

Decide how much you are willing to pay -
(don't fall into the "for a few dollars more" trap)
stick to your budget!

don't consider less that dual core

accept that as you walk out of the shop ... a faster machine just appeared on the market
I am probably going for a Sony Vaio which is about �799. I am sure a laptop over �1000 will be better but hopefully for what I am paying it should work fine and still be better then my 4 year old Desktop. As long as its not wrose then all will be fine

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