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How do i back up emails from Microsoft Outlook?

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chelsea25 | 09:02 Wed 03rd Oct 2007 | Computers
2 Answers
I need to back up to a disc some large emails with attachments. I would like to back them so if i ever need to re-install them i can.

Can someone please tell me how to do this as i am confused.

Thanks guys


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In Outlook there is an option under the file menu to export, that will take you through a wizard to enable you to save whatever you want. Since it seems to work best on a folder basis you might want to put all the mails you want to save in one folder and then just export that.
The format for export you require is a "pst" folder. After export you can re-import the folder any time you like

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How do i back up emails from Microsoft Outlook?

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