Have any of you had experience of installing smileys, particularly from Smiley Central? I have had no problem in the installation but Spybot, an antivirus software, condemns it and asks me to delete it - MyWay.My Web Search 75 entries, Fun Web 15 entries and My Web Search 21 entries. I contacted Smiley Central who blamed Spybot for acting like this without good reason for doing so. An independent source said that Spybot must have a good reason for doing this and I should have nothing to do with Smileys.
Smileycentral is full of nasties - I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole. It also installs funweb as you have found out -this includes mycoolsearch and many other related products.
I agree, smileycentral is full of stuff that send info back to them without your knowledge.
If you want to use those smileys copy them from other's mails and use them independently. I am not generally in favour of copying copyrighted (probably) stuff but SmileyCentral sneakily collects info from you and your habits so they are fair game.