^^It's so you, daahling. /The blurryness is gone though, isn't it? (If by blurryness you meant something other than the floaters.) My blurryness only lasted for maybe an hour or so, it was very odd, I was trying to read the paper and all of a sudden it was as if there was water all over the pages melting and distorting the letters and columns. And there were flashes and stars, both before and after that, I think. *joins in thwacking Lottie* Those of us who are nearsighted don't have to be elderly for this to happen, you know:)
Robi is it both eyes or just the one? It's both for me and it seems to have happened at the same time. The floaters can be either fixed or moving about, mine move when I change the direction of looking and then they sort of fall back again to where they were. I tried to describe this to a friend and she said Oh it's like a snowglobe! Another one said Oh it's like watching an old film - rather appropriate I thought. It's a bit fascinating to think that we ourselves can never see our own floaters, we just see the shadows they cast... Anyhoo, trust me, you will get used to it, six months from now it won't bother you.