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word ..a strange looking character

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encee | 18:06 Fri 06th Jun 2008 | Computers
7 Answers
a friend of mine has a funny little sign on word looks like an I AND A BACK TO FRONT P.maybe a music sign.i think its to do with paragraphs.On my system i can hide it.but she cannot do anything with it.
CANT GET RID OF IT.any ideas


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In word on the format menu select reveal formatting (or press shift+f1) witch will open the formatting side bar, if you then look at the very bottom of that you will see a little box that says show all formatting marks, take the tick out of it and they should disappear
Question Author
tried that?no go
back yo the drawing board then :)

What version of word is it?
It is a formatting tool icon. When you have text on a document, clicking the sign will reveal such a mark at the end of each paragraph along with other formatting signs denoting spaces etc. which won't printout. Quite handy. Clicking the mark again should hide all the marks in the text.

Depending on which Word version you have, you should be able to remove the sign from the formatting options if you so wish. Look for a customising option somewhere.
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take into account this is a friend of mine so i havent got her computer at hand but she did have word 2000 when she first had the problem so i put 2003 on for her and the prob still there.even if she opens a new document its still sitting there.most probably a simple answer but i can't get my head round it.
Try CRTL plus SHIFT plus 8 to toggle this on and off.
Question Author
will get her to try that.thank you.

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word ..a strange looking character

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