The Freecycle link should take you to a local Yahoo group. Yes, you have to register - so don't use your real name etc, create an email address specially for that place on Yahoo, then register with the local Freecycle group. It will be something like
You will then be able to post an *advert* saying something like:-
"Offered - PC Make xyz, approx n years old, brief description, location mytown, can/not deliver"
Your post will then be displayed on that yahoogroup list and anyone interested will be able to contact the group manager by email who will pass these emails on to you. You can then either respond to the first reply by email telling them the arrangements for collection or you can wait for say 24 hours and pick one out of a hat !
Once the item has been "given to a new home" it's only courtesy to put another post on yahoo, telling people that it's been taken..
The only stipulation is that items advertised as being available or wanted must be for free - no money may change hands.
I've gotten rid of loads of decent stuff that I had no use for - they got snapped up within minutes of posting !