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smith134 | 10:39 Fri 08th May 2009 | Computers
4 Answers
My Windows Xp service pack 2 restarts without warning at every 4-5 minute. I have ran virus scan but not help. Any suggestion.


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Right click on My Computer and select properties.
Click Advanced tab.
Click Settings under Startup and Recovery.
Under System Failure uncheck Automatically Restart.
Click OK.

This won't cure your problem, as instead of restarting you'll likely get a Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) instead, but the information displayed will allow you to trace your problem, or post it here!

If you still get the system rebooting and there is no BSOD then it's likely that your processor is overheating or your PSU is faulty.
Probably a hardware problem.

One fix always worth a try is removing and reseating the RAM. It isn't difficult and only takes a few minutes. Be sure to disconnect the power before trying it.

The RAM can work loose due to thremal cycling. While you are in there also check the CPU heatsink for accumulation of dust.

why not follow your chum's advice and visit

I hear they provide reasonable advice ....
But ever you do, don't fall off the edge of the web

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