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about closing the lid on labtops

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hightoa | 22:21 Mon 18th May 2009 | Computers
1 Answers
hello, i have a laptop that currently runs vista ultimate and i was just wondering how do i get my laptop to require a password everytime you close and open the lid while on the do nothing setting i have on my laptop. you see i want to close the lid on my laptop and still have it downloading updates and such and still require a password when i open the lid. the only way i can get my laptop to require a password in on sleep setiings and i cant figure out why. any suggestions would be appreciated. thanks


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Before you close the lid, lock the computer by holding down the Windows key and pressing L.

If you don't have a Windows key on the laptop keyboard, click on Start and then click on the padlock.

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about closing the lid on labtops

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