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doddsredoubt | 20:36 Mon 01st Jun 2009 | Computers
7 Answers
Could someone on answerbank answer this question for me,I seem to get about 160 spam emails every day and they are all rubbish,I look at every one but I don't open the email up,they are for loans,jobs,etc how I stop getting them on my computer in the first place.

Thankyou for any help.


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Cant help with your present mailbox but you could set up a free webmail account, Yahoo is good as it comes with a spam filter built in.

When you are emailing sites that could generate spam use the new account . is a good source of free anti spam programmes which you could try.

Good luck!
Question Author
Thankyou seadogg,I have a popular ISP so I wil telephone them tomorrow to seek there advise.

Thanks once again for your help much appreciated.
Please see my post (and those of others) here: uters/Question523930.html

just to add - if you are looking - you are opening - the preview still works by opening the mail ...

if you only display the subject - then you aren't opening it

a popular scam is a 1 pixel "picture" stored on a remote server and attached to the email - you preview - the remote server logs it - and you've just confirmed your address is live

get some addresses - use them wisely
Question Author
Thankyou Buenchico & ACtheTROLL, I will try these two to see if they will help me.

Thankyou for your help much appreciated.
Just get a new email address.
Question Author
Thankyou koster,I am going as I said and talk to my ISP,and probably they will suggest that as well.

Thankyou for your help much appreciated.

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