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Wireless being gay

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potterfan3 | 16:06 Fri 12th Jun 2009 | Computers
12 Answers
We've recently moved our wireless router (BT Home Hub) from downstairs to a bedroom. Since then I've been having trouble connecting to our wireless network even though all the lights on the hub are green. Half the time it won't find the network (despite being able to find the neighbours' networks) but when it does the signal is at full strength. Any ideas?


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Log into the admin pages on the hub and change the channel, you might have to try a couple of channels until you find a clear one.

click below for the admin pages for the hub

(obviously you will need to be connected to the wireless or via cable to access the admin pages)
had same recently....try

User name: Admin
Password: admin1

or type this into URLabove:

With my BT hub, I had to experiment with different channels until I got "excellent" signal strength on my laptop wireless connection. The default channel would not connect.

The same hub is also a BT FON "hotspot", but the signal strength for that connection is never "excellent". The best it gets is rated "good". I assume that is on the "default" channel.
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Unfortunately I've lost the password (it's not admin/admin1)
the username is admin (all lower case)

the password is (depending on the version of the hub) either admin (again all lower case) or the serial number printed on the sticker on the hub
phone BT - they'll transfer you to indian call centre. They're good at sorting out settings - 24/7
Can't you just use the reset button to restore the factory settings?
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No joy with the password admin or the serial number

reseting it hasn't seemed to work either
On mine the admin is admin1 and the password is password.
there is a sequence you have to go through to factory reset any wireless device,
Go to the home page for ure hub and print the set up instructions, before you attemp a factory reset,
Disable any connected devices,eg, usually right click the device icon select disable , etc.
now with the router/hub on and all cables connected, push and hold the reset button for 2mins, it will reboot its self then unplug it completly and leave for 4 hours, then reconnect it, and start the connection wizard, do u have a disk? have you tried running it?
it could also be another wireless conflict within ure house,
mobile fone, wii, radios these are all radiowave ,
also if ure room is above the kitchen could be a microwave!!
good luck
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OK I think this is sorted now. After we reset it asked us to change the password from the serial number to something else. This must be due to a software update as it says the password is admin in our instruction book. After that I was able to change it to channel 4 and now it seems to be working. I thank everyone for their advice and my neighbours for having a reliable and unsecure wireless network
the wireless belongs here

but if you'r gay ... you can discuss that in body and soul

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