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dingaling | 15:06 Mon 21st Sep 2009 | Computers
2 Answers
Hi, is it possible to get the folders from O.E. into My Pictures or similar please? I have several folders with pictures in them which I would like to put on a CD altogether, and I don't know if you can, or where to begin!! TIA Shirl.


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Thank you for that Wildwood. What would we do without AB? Cheers, Shirl
09:29 Tue 22nd Sep 2009
Yes you can, but they will be stored as .DBX files which means you need OE or a recovery tool to view the piccies.
A lot easier to open each mail and save the attachments to a new folder on desktop, then you can do with them as you wish. If they are imbedded images just rightclick and save as....
Sometime a picture may be impossible to save as it is contained in a hotlink. You can then still save the image by pressing the PrtScr key on your keyboard and open Paint and from the File menu select paste, then crop to the part of the page that you want and save as...
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Thank you for that Wildwood. What would we do without AB? Cheers, Shirl

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