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icecoolsi | 14:53 Sun 18th Oct 2009 | Computers
4 Answers
Which is better XP or Vista.


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There isn't really an answer to this.........some people prefer XP and wouldn't touch Vista with a barge pole,I like Vista but also was also ok with XP.
Depends what you want to do with it.

Remember Windows XP first came out in 2001 so is a little bit "old hat" now.

Windows 7 is due on this coming Thursday (22nd) so you have another to add to the list.

If you are thinking of buying a new PC then buy one with Windows 7 on it.
Wait for Windows 7. Vista just seems to be fancier looking (with usually a higher spec pc and/or graphics card needed to run it).
A survey showed most people especially Businesses preferred to stick with XP due to the number of incompatible hardware and software that Vista objected to.

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