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Computer restarts for no reason..?

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alavahalf | 20:13 Tue 29th Dec 2009 | Computers
42 Answers
Recently due to the festive break, I have spent more time online than normal... have'nt we all..?.
I am just browsing around and then all of a sudden my system just shuts down and then re-starts on it's own.It has done this at least three times a day, for the past week.
It carries on to restart itself and seems to run on as normal. It's a bit annoying.

The case, heatsink and fans are dust free.


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A 'secret directory' that'a a new one for me, must remember that....errrr
And a corrupted file could be any one of many thousands ! (and how would it know to go to a certain directory?)

White text on blue background sounds like a hardware fault, maybe loose or faulty RAM or video card.
I would do a 'service' on the PC, power off and remove RAM, graphics card and any others, maybe lift the processor (with extreme care) and replace it, etc. Then replace everything firmly, double check then power back on and see if there is any difference in the shutdowns, or if they even happen.
(Doing a 'service' like this allows connectors a chance to make a fresh connection)
alavahalf reported blue text on a white backround

A 'secret directory' that'a a new one for me, must remember that....errrr
And a corrupted file could be any one of many thousands ! (and how would it know to go to a certain directory?)

its the hidden files under windows boot

no need for the attitude...
file and settings wizard should be under accessories/system tools
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Right ... I have put the restore disk in and managed to transfer the files and settings to my slave drive.
Do I now re-install windows to my main drive and then transfer the files and settings back to it.
Dont panic I wont do it until I've had an answer.
Sorry it's taken me so long to answer, but it's shut down twice in the last 20 mins...both times I've had the blue screen with white text, but only for half a second.
do a system restore using your disc that came with the computer, when its all done run the file and settings transfer wizard again specifying new computer, go to the file you have created and restore your settings.

if you still have problems it is likely to be a hardware problem ie ram chips ect
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fluff off nok, you are needed on a poxy thread
my friends was doing that for ages when i finally got round to visiting her i took it apart and took all the dust out of it ,put it back together and yeehaa it worked ,it was over heating as fans were clogged with dust and weren't working properly
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Cheers Cazz, and thanks for your time...I'm going to call it off for tonight, and consider a re-install tommorow.
Will also do the service thing after... if the problem continues.
Will keep you all posted ...providing my system works again....Have got my eye on a new Dell if it all goes wrong.
Thanks everyone...!
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One more thing before I go....I've had the side panel off while this thread has been going....the fan does'nt make a noise... until you poke your finger into it... It makes a slowing down noise...does that mean it's working ?

Honestly this system is nearly would'nt know if the fan was running unless you could see it..!
if the fan speed was low it would show you a warning , the minimum fan speed warning is set in the bios. it would not be a "blink and you miss it " type of warning
well done stick your fingers anywhere else in it while you got it on!! once you turn it off while you have side panel off have a look and see if all parts are secure and not been knocked out
overheating still sounds most likely

install CPUID and keep an eye on the CPU temp post back what sort of range its in (and what model of CPU)
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could be, as luck would have it CPUID will report the fan speeds to :)
Suggest you download the free 'speedfan' program and see just how hot your CPU is running. Fan may be running but some do wear out and go slower than what they're supposed to go.
sorry alavahalf, didn't see there were more than 20 answers. try Chuck's program first but keep speedfan in mind, it is real easy to work out.
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Have installed the CPUID..
My CPU is a AMD Semperon 2600+

Value Min. Max.

The temp. is.....52 deg. cent.......min 49....... and max 54
Fan speed.......2149 rpm............min 2149.....and max 2177

Does that tell you anything...?
Try chkdsk /r this can sometimes fix file problems without resorting to reinstalling Windows.

Start, Run chkdsk /r when prompted, answer Y to run on next restart.
thats within "normal" range

Next thing I would do is disable the automatic restart on serious errors, at least then it will give you time to read any errors that come up

you've not said what version of windows you have, so

For XP

for vista

if your computer has more than one stick of ram in it I'd also remove one of them and run the computer for a while with just one left in it to see if that helps, if it makes no difference then swap the removed stick over with the one left in the computer and try again (in case it's a problem with one of the sticks of ram)

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Computer restarts for no reason..?

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