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memory sticks

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bristol-girl | 19:31 Fri 01st Jan 2010 | Computers
3 Answers
I know this this must be simple, but can anyone explain clearly how to put contents of a folder onto a memory stick. Here's hoping !


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Insert the memory stick into the usb port. Ignore any window that opens automatically.
Navigate to the fol'der you want, using windows explorer or 'my computer'.
Click on the folder and copy it.
Now navigate to the memory stick.
Click into the memory stick and select edit paste.
Assuming the machine is a PC running Windows as opposed to Linux, and not a Mac:

1) Put the memory stick into one of the USB ports on the PC - if it is working correctly, it will be given a drive letter.

2) Open Windows Explorer

3) Find the folder to be copied, right-click it and click "Copy"

4) Right-click the drive letter assigned to the memory stick and click "Paste"
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Thanks to you both for speedy replies, will have another go at this.

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