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Tick mark

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Whangerai | 12:44 Mon 15th Feb 2010 | Computers
33 Answers
I am running Vista with Windows 2008. I have a list of items, some of which I want to tick as correct but I cannot find a tick mark on the character map. Where is it please? Any help would be appreciated.


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Nonsense hc4361. My numbers lock is on and this does not affect letters being produced normally.
oppps, and that will be my original username logged in on IE then :)
the number lock being on will only effect letters on a laptop keyboard without a separate number pad.
When you log in, Rinkins, do you use the numbers within the body of the keyboard, for example 1 is on J letter, or the numbers across the top row of the keyboard, in a straight line?
I use the numbers on the right of the keyboard. Sometimes I use the ones along the top line
Ah, you have a separate number pad on your keyboard.
I don't have a number pad. How can i type symbols ¿
factor30, do you have numbers above the letters jkl?
Hi hc4361- I have numbers along the top row but no separate number pad on my laptop.
LOL (I'm assuming hc didn't spot the ¿)
Obviously not.

I'm not LOLing anymore I am still sulking because mine won't work
What ¿is that, chuck ¿¿¿¿
¿suәʞɔ!ɟʞɔnႡɔ ʎɹɹos 'sdoo

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