I have two laptops on the same LAN in my house and I am trying to set up file sharing so that one can see files on the other
This was supposed to be easy :(
Both are XP Pro and I ran the Network wizard on both, and create a workgroup for them both to belong to
Now one (the one I created the workgroup on) only sees itself on the network neighbourhood, and the other gets "Workgroup not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource"
which talks about file sharing, workgroups and pcs withOUT passwords
My two machines indeed don't have passwords on their userids (and I feel fairly safe behind my NAT firewall) so I guess if I want to keep them without passwords I can't fileshare?
Firstly WORKGROUP is only used in Vista and Windows 7 XP uses MSHOME make sure that both computers are set to this in their system specs. I f they both have this then you should be able set up your file sharing and printer sharing using the wizard also make sure that both computers have SP3 installed as this will help you as well.
MSHOME is the default setting name for XP. In control panel locate system in the performance and maintainence section and it will have it displayed and has the place to change it there as well.