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How much is my laptop worth?

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TEAK36 | 08:13 Mon 07th Mar 2005 | Technology
2 Answers
I have a laptop which is 18 months old,but it broken at the moment.The little metal pin that the power lead is attatched to at the back of the laptop has been snapped off along with a bit of plastic it is attatched to.I am getting a replacement through my house hold insurance, but I just wondered if my laptop was worth selling? It is an Acer Aspire 1312,20GB HD, 256MB RAM,CDRW,DVD Drive, AMD 2000+.It also has Win XP installed,Norton AV 2005, Nero 6,Microspft office 2003.Surely this must be worth a few quid to someone who is able to repair it, but I have absolutely no idea how much.
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Search for your computer on ebay and see! Although not working it will not go for much as most people wouldnt want to take the risk.
If your insurance is new for old, won't you have to send them the old broken laptop to get the replacement?
I did.
I'd expect that they'd fix it and sell it on.

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