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Having read an earlier thread.

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micmak | 19:20 Sat 12th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Would someone explain to me how to do, half, quarter etc. I'm not a computer nerd, more a computer numpty.
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Hi mic. Alt + 171 on the numeric keypad = ½
You mean ½ ¼ ⅛ ⅓ ⅔ ⅕ ⅖ ⅙ ⅝ ⅜ ⅞, etc?

Sorry, don't know
Hold down the left Alt key whilst typing the numbers ...

¼ = Alt 0188
½ = Alt 0189
¾ - Alt 0190

« = Alt 0171
I just type them in word (using insert symbols) and then paste them in
Perhaps this would be a better link for you mic - sorry ☺
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½¼░▒▓│┤└τ¿ Thanks Ena ♥
It doesn't work on laptops (ie without the numbers on the right as well as on top) does it? So pasting from Word (which is a fuss!!)
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Thanks Naz.
Factor. I don't know what to say to you. ;-)
You are very welcome mic ♥
I have used them with some ° of sucess
Just be careful you do not ♠ yourself into a hole with them
Remember Mamyalynne's correct address is The Baroness ©
When you have run out of Stella try a ♦♦
I shall be in the Mad Over Fifty's ♣ tonight
Question Author
Ena. What can I say. You are indeed a one off. As for the stella I only ever have one. ♦♦ Is bitter not lager and I'm not keen. Later I will partake in a Bacardi and Coke. Cheers.
They certainly broke the mould after me mic ;o)
I am not bitter but would lager enjoy a ♦♦
Enjoy your evening - I think I feel a Courvoisier coming on - your good health ♥
you can always do it the old fashioned way and use the character map. go to programs then to accessories and then to system tools find the character map and all your fonts symbols are there
I don't have an alt key or word so going to have to do it the clumsy way (1/2).
Even clumsier:


But even if you don't have Word you can get ½ by copying the ½ from other posts or from a web page
One could say that only 50% are correct here

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