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Gobbledygook Emails

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Khandro | 11:44 Tue 22nd Oct 2013 | Internet
4 Answers
I'm getting lots (about 8 today) of emails consisting of jumbled letters something like From; fdyc Subject; jfts Message; fstrk.
If I check 'properties' they all have different senders addresses but they must be coming from the same source, so I cant block them. I delete them without opening, but what are they, and can I prevent them please?


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Spam. Delete. Never open any links, as they may contain spyware. It's often a way of finding out if your email address is valid, and is done to bypass spam filters. Eventually they'll stop.
change your password as your being phished. Delete & clear without opening emails
Make sure your spam filter is working - all you can do is just ignore them. Stuff like this goes into my junk inbox and I just Delete All.
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Thanks. I have now noticed that though I receive them, I can see without opening them that they are 'From' something like 'ftyds' but 'To' another genuine name, all ending in '' like mine, one of whom I recognise. Got another 6 since I posted this morning.

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