I am getting sick to death of strangers stealing my wireless connection (Sky broadband home hub), it is secured via WAP 2 and I have changed the password and SSID repeatedly over the last few days, I have changed the router password repeatedly, stopped the SSID being broadcast all to no avail, there are at least 3 different devices keep appearing in my network and it is really peeing me off!
Does anyone have any idea what I can do to stop these thieving barstewards?
I still can't see how anybody can use your router to access the 'net, unless they override your P?W Daffy...Sorry, but I still think you are confusing things ( with respect)
They probably do have the password - all it needs is a trojan (or keylogger) on any one of Daffy's many connected devices.
Each time Daffy changes the password (or SSID) all her family will need to update their devices to use the new values. A keylogger/trojan just sends the new info to whoever is hacking her router.
I'd disconnect everything except my main PC, change the SSID and password then connect no other devices. If the hackers return then it's your primary PC that is compromised.
If the hackers don't return at that point, then re-connect each of your own devices, one by one, with a good pause after each one. The point at which the hackers return identifies your compromised device.
The other alternative is that your router was hacked and a separate/remote admin account created. Resetting the router to factory settings should get rid of that. Then make all your changes with a wired PC connection until you think the router is protected. Then try wifi again.
Router is the generic Sagem one you get for Sky broadband, the only info I can find on it is Sagemcom ADSL Router, F@ST2504n. I am waiting until the family are in bed and then I shall reset the router to default. Scanned all PCs, mine is clean, my laptop is clean, oh's laptop is clean and son's PC was riddled with spyware and PUPs :-/ All cleaned now.
Problem solved. Not sure what did it but there are no more intruders on the network after scanning and cleaning PCs and setting router back to factory then changing SSID, PW and router PW.