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Connecting Smart Tv To Internet

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1234567billy | 15:53 Sat 29th Nov 2014 | Internet
11 Answers
i bought a lg42lb585v smart tv and am having difficulty connecting it to internet through ee/orange livebox.
the tv can "see" the livebox connection but when i enter the security code it fails to connect - im pretty sure that im following the correct procedures for connection.
i have laptops set up through livebox and they are working perfectly.
i notice on the tv that the livebox signal strebgth is 3 bars out of 4. is it possible that the tv is too far from livebox - livebos is at the front of the house and tv at back in conservatory/sunroom. any help/advice would be appreciated as im at my wits end. thanks


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The password might be CasE sensitive, Billy. Sometimes a lower case letter is used when the password might include a capital letter.
Question Author
thanks Jomlett im aware of that one.
If you're showing 3 bars it should connect without problem.
If you're using the remote to put in the password, on some you have to move the cursor to another section to connect.
Boring, I know, but have you tried switching both the tv and the router off for a few minutes and then starting again, with router first.
Question Author
sorry jomlett i dont follow. when yoy enter the full password with the temote you click an OK button to start process - its after this stage the message that you are not connected comes up
EE say Press button 1

Try pressing button 1 on the back of your Livebox. You'll need to do this for new wireless connections, however can also fix other wireless problems you might be having.
Question Author
thanks guys ill try that and keep u posted
Could be that the router is set for one type of security, and the tv set for another.

eg. wps for one, wep for the other.

This was the situation with a friends. Turned off security on his routerand it worked
Swapped router to one using same settings and it now works.
Any luck?

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Connecting Smart Tv To Internet

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