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Outlook Email

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mayennaise | 18:25 Sun 25th Jan 2015 | Internet
7 Answers
Since Hotmail moved to Outlook I've lost all my contacts! Any ideas ??


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Have you tried opening a new email and then to the left you start typing their name in?
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Yup - they've definitely gone!
Top left - is there a square made up of dots?

Click that and click 'people' it may work.
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The 'People' icon has got all my phone contacts listed with their phone numbers but no email contacts!!!
Oh dear,sorry.
//there is an additional filter option which Microsoft hasn't bothered to tell anyone about. After going to "People", click on the cog button on the top right (settings), and here is an option to filter by "Messenger" or "Outlook". Both of these were not ticked on mine, meaning I couldn't see any contact. Why this was loaded as default, and why the button is so hidden away is beyond me, but I hope that everyone's issues are as simple to fix as mine was.//

From this discussion page - fingers crossed.
My email address is hotmail and I haven't encountered any problems since it moved to outlook.
Clicking on the "people" icon, shows my email contacts .... no idea what's happened to yours :(

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