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Gmails Won't Send

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jno | 12:39 Fri 31st Mar 2017 | Internet
2567 Answers
I frequently get an error message when trying to send a Gmail, specially if it's replying to one:

"Oops... a server error occurred and your email was not sent. (#007)"

Just over the last month or so, and apparently at random. It won't save these emails as drafts, either.

Anyone know what's happening, or what I might do about it? (I have Hotmail and other email accounts but would prefer to use Gmail.)


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There are various suggestions here, including: (a) simply log out of Gmail and log back in again ; (b) clear the cache and cookies from your browser ; and (c) if you're using Internet Explorer, use a different browser!topic/gmail/2RPrrWUUYzg Perhaps trying each of them might lead you to a solution?
23:01 Fri 31st Mar 2017
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sunny so far today but clouds scudding every which way. I've done Waitrose and am now looking for the next big challenge, though not one involving lawnmowers.

The man has, we hope, fixed the roof but we need another downpour to make sure water isn't still dribbling into the house.
Well it's a nothing day here as just too hot to leave the house even to go into the garden or patio. it's a quick dash to the pool and back again. Patio tiles are extremely hot to the feet!!
Very windy here but bright and sunny.
Let's hope he's fixed it for you Jno and you don't get any more leaky bits. Nothing worse than a leaky roof.We had to bite the bullet after various patchworks failed and get the whole thing replaced.I think the side fence might be the next thing as it's rattling away out there in the gusts.I hope it doesn't take off.
Nothing exciting to report otherwise.
Hope you're all OK.

Morning. How is everyone today? I was awake at 4 as had to do a pee for analysis and just could not go back to sleep. So after clinic I came home and back to bed with a cuppa. Its rather lovely that I am of an age to do this now! Having another day in. New blue passport arrived, alas I am now a Brit and not a European! I can go on drunken sprees and wreak havoc ( if I had the energy!)
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I gather the new passports are the same size as EU passports, not those big blue cardboard ones you used to have?

Probably not signed by the King any more either.
yes, they are the international standard but blue, as they could have been all along. They are full of clever lasery bits and tricks. My old one what I lost was handwritten in turquoise ink!
Yes very dark blue. My photo looks rather pleasing and it certainly didnt and yes I know they do not doctor them but I am rather pleased!! Now I have to go to all legal institutions and change my paper work but I haven't a lot of energy so they can wait!
yes, its interesting.... I thought the photo in my passport looked remarkably flattering. Jno your roof looks like it will get tested tomorrow
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it does, doesn't it ... I shall be ferrying OH to another blood test (if the car isn't washed away) but will lookd forward to coming home to check.
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as usual, the blood test wasn't a complete success, the fire alarms went off in the middle of it and everyone had to rush outside. It was only a test but they had to restart the procedure. They we got a phone call saying the results hadn't arrived yet (they're done at the other hospital) so OH's chemo tomorrow has been moved to later in the day to give it extra time to turn up.

I don't think this hospital's done anything right yet, but as long as the chemo itself is okay.
Morning all
You're not having a lot of luck Jno but as you say as long as the chemo goes ahead that's the main thing and that your roof was watertight in this wild weather
Still stormy out there.Not raining atm but the wind is blasting as it was all night.Looks as if summer is over.Of course this had to be the day I'm finally going to get my hair cut but it's such a mess I'd walk over hot coals to get it done.
Hope you're all soldiering on .

morning all. Yes its a lovely autumn day here too. Hips and haws are brilliant already, leaves are turning and its bright, windy and cool. Oh and the spiders are moving in. I have managed to get an infection down one fingernail on my right hand. Its fine, the red line is receding but it makes it impossible to grip stuff as its painful so no driving, no gardening, no dirty jobs and so on. So annoying. Hope you are all well and special thoughts for the Jno's
Hello all. Wish it was stormy here. Doctor has changed a lot of my meds so I am a confused biddy. My pinprick from analysis has now grown into a 2" blue mark. Went to village and did lots of walking from shop to shop as dont go down everyday now. But walking home inm had to keep stopping in the shade. I felt awful. Someone asked if I was ok and I said yes. Was so glad to get home. Pool maybe not be the biggest in the world but it does the job! And I felt so well yesterday!!
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ooh, better write down a list of new meds, neti, so easy to forget them, as I well know.

Have just picked OH up from a chemo session, it seems to have gone okay though the hair loss has started. Another session next week.
I am glad it went ok but sorry to hear about the hair loss. Hope the next one goes more easily
Oh poor OH jno. My sister who has thinish hair wore a cold cap and she didnt loose much hair!
Hello all
Dull old day.I hope we get a bit more warm sunny weather though before autumn and winter really set in.
Pleased it went well for your OH Jno.The hair loss must be awful but it'll grow back again.
Had my hair cut. The salon is cleaner than some hospitals and there are screens between chairs and a reek of disinfectant.
No mags ,coffee or sweet treats.
It was nice to see her though and we had a good old mumble through our masks.Taxi driver was screened off and it was all a bit surreal but I feel soooo much better for a hair cut.
Had a delivery from the German deli today so we are happy bunnies.
Hope you're all as well as you can be and that your finger is healing up Woofy. I remember having a whitlow as a child ....ouch !
hello all thanks Shaney its getting better slowly...its ridiculous, one joint of one finger and its so disabling!
Dont think ive had whitlow sounds painful yes hope its getting better. For the last 3 nights I've got terrible indigestion, must be one of my new
My island is almost in lockdown now. Next law will be to restrict our movements. Jet2 have given up flying here. We are riddled with covid, it's scary!

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