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Email Dates And Times.

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pussyfoot | 09:08 Mon 12th Mar 2018 | Internet
3 Answers
I'm trying to work out what time an email was sent to me from Australia, where it is dated & timed would that be local time (ie time sent from Australia) or UK time.


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EMail timestamps are stored in UTC. Your email client will then apply the appropriate offset so that it is displayed in your local time.
Mine seem to show UK time (mac with safari) It should be easy to work it out....make a note of the time you can see on the email then get your email program sort your emails by date if they aren't already....look at the times of the emails at either side of the one whose time you want to check...if they run sequentially, you are seeing local time, if they don't then you are seeing oz time. I get emails from the US and their times run sequentially with the times of emails from the UK
The times of incoming emails I see are UK local times, irrespective of which country they've come from.

Going into the extended headers though shows
(a) the times in both UTC and Pacific Standard Time ; and
(b) the offsets which have been applied to those times.

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