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Wireless Signal Problem

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originalspa | 09:43 Tue 28th Nov 2006 | Internet
7 Answers
Why does my Talk Talk wireless signal only says I have 50% of the signal yet on the connectivity signal, it says excellent!

Is there a way I can make to at least 100%?

Thanks for your help in advance!


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How far are you from your router? Move closer, or reduce the number of objects between you and the router, or both.
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Cheers fo3nix!

I'm not that far from the router as it's on the other side of the room so if I sit in front of the computer, it's behind me!

There's not much items inbetween unless you count the dining room table!

The router sits on the same table with the wireless phone on the opposite side. Do you think this may be have something to do with it?
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Ooops! Ignore the 'be'!!
Use a wire!
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It has to be wireless as my partner has a laptop so he can be in the internet as well! Saves us fighting over the computer!
Well that computer can still be wired with your partner's computer wireless: both will work together perfectly fine.

Though it could be your cordless phone. These things operate on different channels (typically 1-11 or similar), so try and find out what channel your phone uses (may say in the manual), and if it's at for example 11, change the channel number for the router to 1 (furthest possible away). This channel number for your router can usually be found in the router settings somewhere, that 192.168.x.x stuff.

Also, if it's not so already, make sure the router's aerial is pointing upwards, since you're level with it.
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Thanks again fo3nix!

I'll check out the channel number for the phone later today and I know that the router is on channel 6 so maybe I'll change it to number 1.

Good point with the aerial! I've had it facing the computer all this time so I'll adjust that as well!

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Wireless Signal Problem

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