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If you chatted to someone on msn.......

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efc | 00:23 Sat 24th Mar 2007 | Internet
107 Answers
then suspected that the next night that the person you where chatting to had blocked you what would you think??



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No, I`ll have a look, I don`t normally get emails lol
why do you get vacuumed into this crap Bez?
i put you well above it
Nether do I Elvis......gawd I'm desperate
Ziggy......I'd like to think of myself as a nice person......but I'm sorry....I hate it........I was bullied at school..only for a short time.....but it was horrible
-- answer removed --
nite and peace to all
be waiting for that poem soon lmao
looooooooooooooooooooooooooove xx
Night Take care
So is it time to leave people alone now.......I do xx
Im not saying anything but whats the story with Legend758? He seems like an angry young man.
Legend is 42
Legend758?.........dunno about that
Ooops sorry...thought he was 758......
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Thank you to all those abers that answered my question, errmm caz247 think you were the only one!!
Must admit the posting was a bit of a wind up but the 90 emails have taught me not to do it again!!!!
Sooo nice to see everyone getting on so well!
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AniaSM - sorry only just read your posting. Not sure why you've posted a question about legend in the middle of a thread where he hasn't been mentioned but I can suspect the reasons.
If you've read previous threads then you've probably worked out that I also know legend and have spoken out in his defence.
Basically the usual gangs have got together in order to bully him for no good reason. He was accused of being a stalker but in my eyes you can only stalk someone on the internet if they see fit to divulge their personal information to you in the first place! And isn't it also funny how the person he was supposed to have been stalking had an extemely large phone bill through ringing him!
Thats just my opinion!
Now the thread will no doubt be banned by people who don't agree!!
Sorry efc it was 3 in the morning. I dont know any of the history with Legend and I dont know who the usual gang are. I only saw 1 thread where Legend contributed and he was angry about something. None of my businesss really but as I say it was late.
I mean 1.50 in the morning.
It all depends on who it was who'd blocked me. There are some people I wouldn't be too bothered about!lol.x
im no longer on msn
Hi zorro xxx
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Zorro - where have u been hiding??
Not seen you on here for a while!

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If you chatted to someone on msn.......

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