Tried to transfer a file onto a cd using windows media player but a error message pops up and says the file is too big , someone told me to use Nero to do it as it shrinks the file for you . I have got Nero 7 but cannot see how to do it?
It's probably too big for a CD but should fit on a new blank DVD. Nero gives you various options to copy to CD or DVD formats and it'll handle the initialisation of the disc.
The Nero website has support and downloads for your version of software. Have you tried a new blank disc?
Is it by any chance a kvcd film file, with a bin/cue file, if so it needs to be burned to a cd. If it is, post back and I`ll explain how you do it with Nero.
It is an AVI file which i am in the process of converting to enable to burn to a dvd , also my dvd drive i assume is a reader / writer as i know someone who has got the same PC as me and they can download and burn to discs.
I am having a go at the mo to sort it , with the help of you folks so thanks a lot and i will post up my results !!