How do you delete unwanted e-mails without opening them? I have to click onto the undesirables to show which ones i want to get rid of,but this in turn opens them up.Wierd!!!!
Thanks in anticipation.
That was quick!! No I'm using Incredimail.The point I was making is that I don't want to open up the e-mails,but just by clicking on them it does.
I don't know much about incredimail, but if it's anything like Outlook Express, you can turn off the preview pane. That way you only see the e-mail if you double-click it, and right-clicking will then allow you to delete without actually opening the e-mail.
In the incredimail there is an arrow when clicked the pre-view pane drops down out of sight.Now whether that means it hasn't been opened or not I don't know.I'll give it a try thanks for the info!!!
And while you are in the layout window, click the 'customise toolbar' button under basic, you'll get another option to add icons to your toolbar on top and you can add the preview icon and you can from now on turn the preview on and off with a click of the icon on the toolbar.