Mobile broadband for a laptop in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Mobile broadband for a laptop

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buildersmate | 18:42 Fri 21st Nov 2008 | Technology
6 Answers
I am thinking of subscribing via a USM dongle type of arrangement. Several questions:
What is the possibility of the mobile signals being intercepted and decoded - in much the same way as unencrypted wireless networking may be?
Does anybody have any recommendations? - I've been looking closely at the Vodafone package.
Am I effectively buying into a second ISP?
Is the SIM card in the dongle the same as any other mobile SIM - in which case could it be potentially advantageous to make the linkage using my existing mobile phone connection and upgrade my existing contract?
Can't get much sense out of the salespeople in terms of options - I sense they just want to sell one a new package.
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USB, not USM. Silly me.
It's an internet connection - so yep .... another ISP
and if it's wireless - it can be intercepted
if it's encoded - it can be decoded
but even a wired connection can be sniffed
the real question with all hacking is - are you worth it
if your shampoo is L'Oreal Elvive you are ...

my recomendation would be don't ... at least not yet

it's expensive inefficient, expensive, slow, expensive, subject to location, expensive .....

I have a BT Broadband anywhere phone - it's great for e-mail - uses windows CE ... and can be used as a modem.

the real advantage is you get free openzone access - and if you join fon - you get access all over europe (where available - I've got to admit - I've never used it)
I had one under test for a short while. It was for a monthly fee of �10 for an 18 month contract. The speed varied from dial up to about 3/4 Mb/sec, so very slow. The literature said about 4 times this. Coverage in the UK is very patchy, alright in big cities as they are able to boost the speed up.
You are given a download limit. Mine was 1 Gbyte. To exceed this you are charged for each Mbyte (yes Mybte)you download so the bill can ramp up quite easily.

Convenience using USB. Yes! But unless you choose the maximum download limit you should only use sparingly.
I have a vodafone USB dongal for one of my computers @ �15 for 3gb download and a fairly good speed. Personally I find it great for useage. Its added to my exsisting bill and over the last 7mths have only ever used avergaly about 2gb per month.. Depending on what type of downloads you do. Long term when ive taken the laptop away ive been able to use it almost anywhere as you are tied into the contract not the premisis you live in. Personally I would recommend Vodafone because they have the best coverage. Good Luck.
I have a dongle from 3. The speeds are nonsense and the coverage poor but it's still better than dial-up (if you can find a laptop with a dial-up modem in it. Think you might struggle). if you have a mate with a 3 dongle you can get a second dongle for �5.00/month 1GB limit 18month contract which is what I did. Email whilst away was what I needed and this does the trick. Lengthy pdf's attached to emails so I needed a computer to read them on rather than a phone or a PDA. Worst case scenario is it'll cost you �90 to find out that it doesn't work in your house which is what I found so it's not a back up for when my landline broadband fails which was the other reason I got one.
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Thanks to each of you for your experiences and advice.

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