need help on information, what do i use for my business wesbite, like planning to sell photos on a calender, with all the information, on dates, custom backgound, so customers can design there own custom calender from our background layout, plus they can down load there own calander to print on cd ot take to a copy place, and choice there favorite photos,
and also. where can i get a free programmer, java script for a flipping magaizine so customer can print there own catalong magazine with a choice of background and design and choice what photos to be printed. need help and seriese knowledge who knows what there doing and what do i need to do to add this to my business website
business website - you need a professional web guy
or a couple of years study to DIY.
sorry old lad - but why should you get free help to make money?
I dislike the spelling critics - but seeing it's supposed to be a commercial site - it's important you get it right - you might want to look into some spelling pointers as well
people who will give their expertise are out there
You're looking at a minimum of �5,000 for your website or a good few years to teach yourself php / javascript / xhtml and a graphic designer for your layout.