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Chris - re Firefox again

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rosyposy | 23:59 Sat 27th Mar 2010 | Internet
4 Answers
Hi Chris, sorry about this, but can you tell me how I find my router settings please? I am with Virgin NTL and have an ethernet cable modem, Is this the same as a router then? I have looked everywhere and cannot find anything about it. I have got my Primary and secondary numbers (thanks to you) but am now stuck. TIA rosy


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I'm a bit out of my depth here but try typing into the address bar of your browser (and, of course, clicking 'Go'). A bit of web-searching has suggested that will access your modem settings.

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Thanks again Chris, I only got a blank page with Firefox but a load of sites came up with Yahoo, but I'm afraid I couldn't make head nor tail of them. I am a bit hopeless with the PC so should I try to reinstall firefox then? Thank you for your patience, rosy
Virgin's modems aren't wireless enabled, you should buy a router that is specifically for cable broadband, or ask Virgin to give you one.
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Oh, right, hc, thank you for that info, rosy

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Chris - re Firefox again

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