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Yippy (formerly known as Clusty)

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bibblebub | 09:24 Wed 16th Jun 2010 | Internet
7 Answers
Clusty has been my preferred search engine for the past few years but now it's called Yippy and seems to have been taken over by the American apple-pie brigade.

If you try and search on some terms it tells you that those terms have been removed from the search because the adult filter is on, and yet there seems to be no way to turn it off.

Is it possible to change the filter setting? I've had a look and can't find anything but maybe I've overlooked something. If it can't be turned off then I won't be using Yippy again because it's an imposed censorship. And that would be a shame because I've found it very useful.


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I think the last couple of paragraphs from the "about us" link on the page answers your question.

"Oh, we should say that we are a very far-out group of people. Everyone is a certified genius here and we work together for our goals for the love of it all. Good vs. Don't be Evil ... We are too smart to sell out to Porn, Gambling and other things that infect our society for profit. Good always wins, and conservative values will bring us our victory in the market place.

Summing it up !!!

God controls all creative thought it's what you do with it that defines who you are.

Are you Good or Evil? "
Sounds like it's time to move to Google.
Question Author
I was hoping that those sorts of phrases that they've used might be sarcasm.

And I'm not completely resigned to kowtowing to the Google empire. Not yet. Maybe.
Yahoo? Bing?
Or go oldskool :)

Or use a metasearch engine

or ask the butler

Or just go for "far out"
It is stated more clearly here:
Question Author
Thanks for the suggestions.

It's time to have a look around and see what's available these days.

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Yippy (formerly known as Clusty)

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