I was recently on holiday and used a download dongle (T mobile) to access the net. I felt it was really rubbish, and would not really want to use it again - I'd rather look for free wifi connections i think. I found that the internet connection might show 4 or 5 lines of signal strength, but the download speed fluctuated between 0 and 45Kbps, and moved either way like a yoyo! To rub salt in the wounds, it took over an hour to downloads 60 emails (because for 5 days i could not gain access to the net), only for the connection to drop out. The next time i was able to get on line, the first 60 downloaded again before the 'new' ones could start to download. My question is - is there any way that i could have stopped the early emails from downloading again and again? Can they simply be killed off? If they contain pictured or PPS these take so long - can they be stopped in the middle of the download? I really have to get this sorted before the next holiday!!
"is there any way that i could have stopped the early emails from downloading again and again?"
Use QuickDelete, it allows you to connect, download just the headers, and then selectively delete the ones you don't want.