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transfer files from one Pc -usb?

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tali1 | 20:37 Sun 03rd Apr 2011 | Technology
2 Answers
Can i transfer files from one Pc to another by simply connecting a standard usb to usb cable -or does it have to be a bridged usb cable?


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You need a bridged cable, plus the relevant software (which usually comes with the cable) to set up either 'link mode' or 'network mode'. Use 'link mode' if you only want to transfer files. (It's the easiest mode to set up). Use 'network mode if you want to share devices (e.g. a printer) connected to one, or both, of the PCs.

A standard A/B USB-lead doesn't have the relevant chip in the middle of it (and wouldn't come with the necessary software).

Although if (like most people) you have a router for your internet connection, you already have a simple means of connecting two computers without the need to purchase anything, and the software for copying from one to the other is also built in to the OS. In Windows it's called Windows Explorer.

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transfer files from one Pc -usb?

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