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Please, I'm a complete novice - how do I get photos from the camera (digital) onto my computer, then onto here?

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merciasounds | 09:50 Tue 19th Apr 2011 | Technology
6 Answers
I've no idea where to start


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Your camera should have come with a small lead called a USB lead.

One end you plug into your camera (usually the smaller end, there will be a small slot hidden under a small door on your camera)

The other end you plug into your computer USB port.

You then turn the camera on and the computer should recognize a camera is plugged in and bring up a window asking what you want to do. The window will vary depending on what software you have on your computer.

After making any selections you want you press OK (or whatever) and the pictures will start downloading from the camera to your PC.

They usually go into "My Pictures" or "Pictures" folder.

You say you want to put them "onto here". I am not sure what you mean by that. Can you explain.

Do you mean onto Answerbank, or onto the internet, or what?
Following on from VHG's post. If you connect camera to PC and start Windows Explorer your camera should show as an external storage device.
You can then select it, display the image files it contains and either by Copy & Paste or just Drag & Drop you can move images to a folder on your PC.
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Thank you....need to get a USB lead, dog chewed the last one - little rascal
"need to get a USB lead"
Hope it's not an Olympus - they wanted 22 squiddlies to replace mine. Cheaper to buy a card reader!
Has your pc got a memory card reader? Lots have - it's just a very small slot.
Agree with Rojash. Check prices for USB connected card reader before buying new camera cable.

There are other sources available. PC World, Curry's etc usually have them as well

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Please, I'm a complete novice - how do I get photos from the camera (digital) onto my computer, then onto here?

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