Anyone know how I put the photos from my phone onto my laptop (seem to have managed to put the ones from my laptop onto my phone though!). Also, some of my apps needed updating but now they are just sitting there 'waiting'! Any clues as to what I should be doing to sort this out. Thanks for any help.
download the latest i tunes
as far as i know you can only put photos from your iphone "camera roll" on to your comp, your iphone should show in "my computer" when you plug it in. go to your apps in i tunes click update at the bottom apps right
The computer is telling me to install iPhone version something or other but that I need to transfer 'purchased items to mu iTunes library' - any ideas anyone? Wish I hadn't started this now. Thanks again.
sounds like your iphone needs an update
update to the latest iphone version,it takes a while then click restore it will go to your last back up (it backs up automatically) all your purchased itunes should be then put back on to your iphone along with your apps
btw if you've paid for your itunes and apps you dont have to pay for them again
it will show your purchased items in the itunes page left hand side ie apps .. music click on your iphone thats showing (or should be if it connected) under devices then it should show along the top..summary.. click on apps and the sync (bottom right) then do same with you music, after clicking on (entire music library as thats where you music you bought should be stored
Hi both - it does normally update apps wirelessly but it has decided to stop part way through. It is only daft games and stuff - not one single song on the damn thing!