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Sky Digital

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netibiza | 14:30 Fri 01st Apr 2005 | Technology
1 Answers
I have a Panasonic H30 or 31 digital receiver its several years old now.  Is there any way I can programme the receiver to come on when I am out so I can record a prog. (No I do not want Sky +) otherwise I have to leave it on all day until the prog comes on.  On analogue (Pace) I could time it but don't seem to be able to do it on digital.  Surely technology has gone forward not backwards.


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Yes, when you go into your TV guide, it will give you the option of setting a reminder for specific programmes, and if you go into your personal planner (option 0 in TV guide menu) you can press the red button (autoview) which will automatically turn your box to that program, so you can record several different channels while you are away. (Although, not 2 at once!!!)

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