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Icon colour of portable hard drive

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anotheoldgit | 15:33 Sat 25th Jun 2011 | Technology
3 Answers
Today I noticed that when I clicked on 'My Computer' where all the icons are for my drives and removable discs are displayed, the icon that represents my Toshiba USB-HDD (portable hard drive) which once was coloured red, is now black.

What could be the reason for this?


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Have you formatted it?

The icon for removable drives is often set using a couple of hidden files on the drive, if the drive is formatted it removes those 2 files and the drive will revert back to the windows default icon for removable drives (which is black)
On mine red means hard drive is almost full and green means theres still plenty of space left on it. Iv not experienced black on mine yet! but it don't sound healthy! Even my removable drives I plug in at always green or red.
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Thanks for your answers.

Chuck, no I haven't formatted it, or done anything in my knowledge that would cause this.

Except of course the other day when you answered my query why I had lost all the files in my folders.

To correct that, I switch everything off and unplugged the USB lead, then reconnected and everything came back.

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Icon colour of portable hard drive

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