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looobylooo | 19:56 Tue 19th Jul 2011 | Technology
2 Answers

im new to using 'handbrake', but have managed to suss out how to copy a dvd to my hard drive, and so far have successfully copied 2 out of the set of 3 discs.

i come to do the 3rd dvd, but im having problems.
i insert the disc, click on 'source' and it process 5 of the 6 titles on the dvd, but then it stops, and doesnt do the 6th, which means i cant carry on.

can anyone help me please?
thank you :o)


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* by the way, i have actually purchased and own these dvds, ok *

why im trying to get them onto my hard drive is because my laptop plays up when it comes to inserting a disc, whether its a music disc or a dvd.
and it takes absolutely ages of switching the power off and on again and doing whatever else i need to do, to get it working.
so i thought itd be easier if i saved the dvds to my hard drive, so i could just nip into my docs where its saved, and play it whenever i wanted.
(theyre exercise videos. im trying to lose a few lbs)

so if anyone could help me please, id be really greatful, thanks.
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ok.. thanks anyway..

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