Yes they do, they lose their grip and get quite floppy. Yes postdog, I can't get on with the lappy tablet at all - even my laptop has a mouse plugged it.
You shouldn't even need a mousemat with an optical mouse (unless, possibly, you're using a very roughly-hewn piece of wood as your desk!).
Internet cafés and most offices no longer have mousemats. I've got one but it's solely as a way of keeping a bit of space (on my extremely cluttered desk) free for mouse movements. It's not actually necessary.
which is what I meant, nothing to do with a lappy. Personally, from experience, those type of mice lost effectiveness because of dirt and fluff and it had little to do with the mat.
postdog - I don't think so (major techno phobe) - it's a saitek - bought a couple of years ago.
Thanks Boxy - wondered that.
Buenchicho - put Noisy on the key board then I may understand the reply! Optical mouse - a rodent with glasses? any roughly hewn wood in my house is not used as my desk. xC
I have a Garth Brooks mousemat but it is redundent as I have a laptop and don't need it, but it still sits on my coffee table as a sort of, errr, decoration I suppose lol